New offers are up on SavingStar!
New offers up for Advil, Emergen-C, Nexium & More!

How SavingStar works:

    • Sign up for an account or login to your account
    • Select your stores
    • Select offers on web or mobile. Check regularly for new deals including our Healthy Offer of the Week and 100% cash back “surprise” freebies during the month. Click the “I want this” button to add the offers you want to your account.
    • Use registerd loyalty card at checkout or take a picture of receipt. For automatic-savings stores, use your registered card at checkout as you normally do. For receipt-scan stores, take a picture of your receipt and submit through the SavingStar app or website.
    • Cash out once you save $5. Pay out to a bank account or PayPal account or donate to charity.Get cash in your SavingStar account.
    • Discounts are not received at checkout. Savings will post within 2-22 days depending on the store. You’ll receive an email when they post to your account.

Please note: This post contains an affiliate link.

Want more info? Click here for SavingStar’s “how it works” page.

Click here for SavingStar’s FAQ’s

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Please help keep this site running! I am keeping ads to a minimun for a better user experience but I still have operating costs and it is a lot of work for this one woman team to find and post freebie offers on a daily basis!